If you just placed an order and wish to modify it, please contact us and we can accommodate you as long as the order has not been shipped. Use the help button in the lower right hand side of the page to reach us. This is the fastest way to get in touch.
Note: Orders that have already been shipped cannot be changed. We will work with you to make sure you get what you need as quickly as possible.
If you just placed an order and wish to cancel it please contact us and we can accommodate you as long as the order has not been shipped. Use the help button in the lower right hand side of the page to reach us. This is the fastest way to get in touch.
At this time we can only process one payment for an order.
Orders are typically shipped via UPS. The ultimate delivery may vary between UPS and USPS.
In-stock orders ship within 2 business days. Transit time varies from 1 to 6 days. When your order ships you will receive tracking information.
No, at this time you need to place two separate orders - one for each destination address.
At this time we do not ship outside of the 50 United States.
Yes, you can return any product (within 30 days) if you are displeased and you will be refunded the amount of the product less the shipping and handling charges and also a 10% restocking fee. Click here for complete information on our return policy.
Just ship the item(s), a copy of your order receipt, and a brief explanation back to us for a refund. There is no need to call us before hand to receive an RMA (return merchandise authorization) number.
Refunds are issued using the same method as the original payment within 7-10 business days of receiving your return.
To apply a discount, please do the following: